Industrial facilities

Logo - Urufarma The building is located towards the Southern margin of Ruta Interbalnearia, just 2 km away from Carrasco International Airport, a growing suburban zone with several future commercial and industrial projects underway.

The facilities are designed in accordance with national and international rules and regulations of the pharmaceutical sector: Good manufacturing practices, municipal and national dispositions related to territorial and environmental planning, pursuant to strict industrial safety and occupational health dispositions.

Located in a 60.000 m² property, this 10.000 m² construction has a 1.000 m² production plant, a 1.211 m² raw material warehouse and a 335 m² finished products warehouse. Meanwhile, the industrial plant has a major machine room, as well as and IT room, diner and offices, added to a wastewater treatment plant, an electrical substation and 3.876 m² of pathways.

Ranked first as the best industrial project awarded by Uruguay's Ministry of Energy and Mining (MIEM).*
Ranked third among the best global investment project by Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay (BROU).*

The industrial facilities' infrastructure has a 1.000 m² production plant equipped with cutting-edge technology and closed processes which reaffirm the company's commitment with excellence.

Production capacities and technology within the new plant

Urufarma's new industrial plant triplicated its production capacity, going from 10 million to 40 million annual units.

Such a production increase allows Urufarma to grow together with its clients and project its expansion to new markets.

Production capacity based on strict procedures

The company complies with WHO international dispositions for the pharmaceutical industry, which in Uruguay are applied by the Ministry of Public Health.

Technical videos

Urufarma | Inversiones y crecimiento


A permanent, collective commitment.

Urufarma is aware of the responsibility by any company and individual with the Environment. Sustainability is our way to do business and this means to satisfy everyday needs without affecting the opportunities of future generations.

Urufarma has been historically committed to protecting the Environment and this can be traced to the company's origins. Our staff is trained to understand the processes and the impact of our activities, which guarantees responsable management through proper technology use.

Wastewater treatment

Urufarma is committed to a correct use and care of water. Whereas both plants have a wastewater treatment system, the plant of Hormonal products has a system of activated sludge and and the plant of non-hazardous products has a chemical oxidation system. Such treatment processes guarantee the quality of our wastewater.

Solid waste

Urufarma constantly conducts exhaustive analysis of solid waste treatment, so as to be aligned with the most environmentally efficient procedures. Thus, by a thoroughly waste classification, each area achieves a 40% recycling rate, thanks to a management plan based on the 3R premisses: Reducing, Reutilizing & Recycling.

Due to this continuous improvement of waste recycling, Urufarma has been awarded the Sello Canario, an acknowledgement from the Canelones Municipality to companies that embrace social responsibility.


The new industrial plant has an innovative air filtering system which guarantees pharmaceutical-quality air for manufacturing products and releases unpolluted air to the environment.

URUFARMA - INVIMA - Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos
URUFARMA - Ministerio de Salud Pública
URUFARMA - DIGEMID - Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas
URUFARMA - Organización Mundial de la Salud