Logo - UrufarmaSince 1946, the laboratory develops, produces and commercializes quality pharmaceutical products. Currently, Urufarma stands out as one of the leading Uruguayan companies in the sector and its products are distributed in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, Republica Dominicana, Guatemala, Vietnam and Azerbaiyan, among other countries.
Urufarma relays on new generations to transmit the company's work culture, which is based on excellence as a result of the effort and commitment of all the parts involved.

Solid roots, innovative culture and commitment with quality are the fundamental pillars through which Urufarma has achieved relevant growth in highly demanding markets.

Mission & Vision

To responsibly develop, produce and distribute pharmaceutical products, providing services to Physicians, health care institutions, clients and general population.

To be acknowledged as a cutting-edge pharmaceutical company which focuses on developing products and services that contribute to improve society's quality of life.


Responsibility, quality and team work are defined by the company as guidelines to achieve its main goal: to make high-quality products accessible for all people.

Urufarma | Slinda

Urufarma develops high-quality products since 1946. Today, we are one of Uruguay's main pharmaceutical companies.

Foto de la ciudad de Montevideo


Uruguay provides favorable conditions for investing.


Population: 3,518.552
Nominal GDP: U$S 62,893 MM
GDP per capita: U$S 17,874
inflation: 7,90%
Unemployment rate: 8%

*IMF 2019 / INE Annual Report 2020


The National Integrated Health System (SNIS) provides universal coverage all to citizens


Pharmaceutical companies

Healthcare Centers:

Our facilities

URUFARMA - INVIMA - Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos
URUFARMA - Ministerio de Salud Pública
URUFARMA - DIGEMID - Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas
URUFARMA - Organización Mundial de la Salud